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PFAS, PFC or PFOS in the clothing?

PFAS and PFC, which are commonly referred to as fluorinated compounds, belong to a large group of chemical substances. These substances can be found in various products, including rainwear, skincare products, paints, waterproofing agents, and kitchen equipment. They are known for their water, dirt, and grease-repelling properties. However, these substances also have a negative impact on the environment and human health. Therefore, at Orloff, we prioritize using alternative materials and technologies in our workwear to ensure safety and sustainability for our customers and the environment.


Waht is PFAS used for and how does it get approved?

Indeed, fluorinated compounds such as PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) and PFC (Perfluorinated Compounds) are typically used in clothing to make it resistant to wind and weather. It's an impregnation process that allows the fabric to repel elements like raindrops. However, not all clothing contains PFAS, so it makes sense to check the material content of a product before making a purchase.

You can find specifications indicating the composition of your clothing or shoes. This way, you can determine whether a particular product contains specific substances.

If you come across the following terms, it means the product contains fluorinated compounds:

  • Fluorcarbon
  • PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene)
  • Teflon
  • Gore-tex

Being aware of these substances allows you to make more informed decisions about the clothing you choose to wear.

PFOS is not included in your workwear or promotional clothing.

PFOS is a distinct fluorine substance that is considered highly harmful. It has been banned for several years. PFOS has previously been used in consumer products and firefighting foam, which has led to significant contamination with the substance.

PFAS is not necessary for your clothing or outerwear to be weather-resistant or to protect and keep you warm. There are many products where PFAS or fluorine substances are not present.


This is how we approach it

At Orloff, we place great importance on ensuring that the products we distribute fully comply with the current requirements and values set within the EU.

Our suppliers ensure that the products we offer comply with the REACH chemical regulation and that the products are OEKO-TEX certified.

Fluorine substances are not (yet) banned in the EU – currently, they are regulated within certain limits, which are adhered to by all our suppliers.

We continuously monitor our suppliers' use of PFAS in products and their approach to these substances, and we have many suppliers who already ensure that PFAS is not present in their products.

If you have questions about the specific products that are part of your company's range, we are of course ready to help and clarify questions. Contact us here.


Source: Forbrugerrådet Tænk

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